1GHz/500MHz/250MHz UHF RF Frequency Generator. UPDATED

311,00 kr.

5 in stock


A high quality RF reference generator module,based on classical parallel PLL Frequency Synthesizer chip and a low phase noise ,resonator based VCO unit .REFERENCE IS STRATUM 3 VERY HIGH STABILITY ±0.28 ppm TCXO 

There are two outputs through SMA socket connectors,one for the main frequency output,the other for the divided by 2 or 4 main frequency through on board frequency divider (user selectable).On board switches permit the change of output frquecies from 920 MHz to 1.1 GHz(VCO frequency coverage).

*operating voltage 12V DC (11-14V DC).

*consumption         110mA

*output  A               1GHz (adjustable) power level +6.5 dBm/ 50Ω/SMA RECEPT.

*Frequency stability: ±  0.28ppm (STRATUM 3)


*output B                500MHz ,power level -2dBm ,  250MHz power level +1.5dBm user     selectable,slave frequencies depending on output A settings.

Module dimensions : 95 x 55 mm

The unit will provide a perfectly stable, CLEAN signal without the mess of DDS signal generation!

* A detailed electronic diagram and brief description is included.






Additional information

Weight 60 g
Dimensions 10 × 6 × 2 cm


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