1. I’ve wanted an RF sampler for years, but the usual asking price was too high for me, but I stumbled across SYMKRILAG and this RF sampler, and instantly bought it. Anyway, it’s been delivered, so I hooked it up inline with my HF transmiter antenna, and into the ‘scope. At long last I finally have an accurate method of determining my actual transmit power, and can look at my output signal, what a game-changer. Also, the SYMKRILAG RF sampler is not only totally functional, but also beautiful to look at, that’s something I never thought I would say about a piece of test equipment. The CNC machined enclosure is an object of true wonderment – worth having just for its aesthetic qualities alone, I’m a bit of a magpie 🙂 Anyway, if you’r serious about your RF transmissions, you need an RF sampler, and the SYMKRILAG 500W -50dB RF Sampler is the one to get !!

  2. I have found this RF tap to be very well made, with its solid aluminum case it has a quality feel and performs well. I am using it to provide a safe attenuated input to my TinySA Ultra, enabling frequency spectrum measurements from the Rf output of my radios. I am very pleased with this purchase, and have already bought Symeons RF power meter too. I hope this will also prove to be as good!

  3. I’ve got one of these which I use to provide the RF Sampling feedback for Pure Signal on an Hermes Lite 2 system, so I’ve just bought another for general purpose use for feeding an oscilloscope/specturm analyser/SDR-IQ sdr RX. These are absolutely great value, beautifully built, a piece of art as well as superb engineering.

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