LX1214E500X MICROWAVE BIPOLAR POWER TRANSISTOR Operating frequency: 1200 to 1400 MHz Operating voltage: 24V DC/150mA Power output: 50 watts CW/50ohm Power gain: 11dB
a vast variety of hard-to-find Electronic components used in RF Communications,Instrumentation,Image processing,Power Supply.Unique ready made modules for various applications.A large variety of both active and passive components .pcboards,partialy and fully assembled units are in stock and not listed yet.Active semiconductors/units are GENUINE/ORIGINAL and we sell while stocks last…
2 in stock
LX1214E500X MICROWAVE BIPOLAR POWER TRANSISTOR Operating frequency: 1200 to 1400 MHz Operating voltage: 24V DC/150mA Power output: 50 watts CW/50ohm Power gain: 11dB
Weight | 40 g |
Dimensions | 27 × 21 × 2 cm |
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